Thursday 3 July 2008

Quote of the day

" Tolerance is important - You never know when you're the one being tolerated."

Pat Brady

" World peace, like community peace, does not require that each man love his neighbour, it requires only that they live together with mutual tolerance, submitting their disputes to a just and peaceful settlement."

John Fitzgerald Kennedy


Baht At said...

hmmm if we tolerate everyone how will the idiots learn they are idiots?

If you took that to it's logical conclusion you would even end up pretending that the mentally ill could function in normal society and thus relieve the health service of the cost of looking after them properly at the expense of them running wild stabbing folks.

jmb said...

" Tolerance is important - You never know when you're the one being tolerated."

Good one. The second is easy to say but not so easy to follow nor to get a just or peaceful settlement.

CFD Ed said...

JMB, True, but no less reason for making the effort for all that.

Baht_At. Well I am happy to point out when I think people are wrong. Like now with you.

There is, as you are fully aware, a difference between toleration and suicidal stupidity and your argument does not track.

It is not infact the logical conclusion of the quote at all...

Thus you benefit from the first quote...

Baht At said...

and there Phil a illustrates the actual intolerance that the quote was talking about rather than the wishy washy way he thinks it was meant.

CFD Ed said...

*Sigh* This from the person who said “if we tolerate everyone how will the idiots learn they are idiots”

Baht At, Tolerance should generally not be wishy-washy. Often it requires real effort.
What it does do is cut a little slack and allow people to put up with and get on together rather than, say kill people because they have different ideas about how the world came to be or how things should be run. …Or maybe make vitriolic personal attacks on people they don’t see eye to eye with.