Thursday 17 May 2007

'Think Tank' says Teens can't tell right from wrong

The Centre for Crime and Justice Studies today issued a report recommending that the age of criminal responsibility should be raised, from 10, to as high as 18.

Are these people completely detached from reality? Are they seriously expecting normal people to believe that, say a sixteen year old, is incapable of telling the difference between right and wrong!

What about a suitable age of criminal responsibility for pixies, or hob-goblins? Maybe they should consider devoting time to those pressing issues. And no doubt, they would like us to think of them as experts, like Alcohol Concern for instance.

Thinking back to the heady days of my youth I knew perfectly well, what was right or wrong. I also knew kids who were well aware of the age of criminal responsibility, who took advantage of that dividing line and clearly knew when they were doing wrong. They were also well aware of the difference between Juvenile court and Magistrate’s Court.

Still I am sure the Government will not have missed the possibility of reducing youth crime to zero at a stroke that this brilliant idea may afford them, just as keeping kids in fill time education until they finish university will reduce youth unemployment to zero.

Just a thought - I wonder if the CCJS gets any funding from the Government.

Apparently the Crime and Society Foundation is an independent charity, Based at King's College London - and bills it’s self as a ‘social policy and criminal justice’ think tank.

Apparently it is open to anyone to join. Students £25, Adults £35. I am not sure if they do special rates for OAPs.

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